As the 2025 deadline for ISMP’s Guidelines for Safe Medication Use in Perioperative and Procedural Settings draws near, hospital pharmacists are under increasing pressure to align with best practices that reduce medication errors and enhance patient safety.
At preparation, ISMP recommends eliminating handwritten labels and including a machine-readable code (e.g. barcode) on all syringe and infusion labels. This includes practitioner-prepared syringes, which should be labeled with essential information about the medication such as drug name, concentration, diluent (or dilution), date and time of preparation, date and time of expiration, preparer’s initials and any warnings.
At administration, ISMP calls for the use of machine-readable coding (e.g. barcode scanning) in pre- and post-operative and procedural settings allowing electronic verification and confirmation of the drug in hand to reduce the chance of errors such as syringe swaps. Additionally, the guidelines suggest implementing bi-directional smart infusion pump interoperability with the EHR (such as Epic), allowing auto-programming and auto-documentation for accurate patient records.
Codonics Safe Label System (SLS) is designed to meet these new standards. By integrating SLS into your anesthesia workflow, you can:
- Replace handwritten labels with fast, on-demand, TJC compliant labels that integrate with AIMS/EHR systems such as Epic and Cerner, reducing manual entry and minimizing the risk of human error
- Enhance safety using audible and visual confirmations during medication preparation and administration
- Streamline workflow by integrating with anesthesia carts for improved workflow, improving inventory control, and enabling automatic electronic documentation which enhances the accuracy of patient records, boosts charge capture, and optimizes 340B compliance
More than 1,000 healthcare facilities worldwide have already implemented Safe Label System, taking critical steps towards meeting ISMP Guidelines and improving patient safety.
Don’t miss this opportunity as the 2025 nears. Join us at the ASHP Midyear Show to explore how Codonics can help modernize your hospital’s medication labeling and compliance strategies.
For more information, reach out today or visit Codonics Booth #1001 at ASHP Midyear!